Reach out...

"Are you okay?" Why do people say that? Does "I am fine" honestly satisfies them???? If so, they certainly don’t mean what they are asking. I mean come on!!! look into a person’s eyes. Cant you see that he/she is not at all okay? Asking this question again and again is just reminding them how badly they are hurt. I think we should reach out a little further than just "Are you okay?" instead of a question, make it a statement like Its going to be okay buddy you are going to work it out etc. Seriously, it would mean a lot more. Trust me, we all need to look a little deeper because
“Nobody is ever okay”
Reach out... Reach out... Reviewed by Kiran Ashraf on 8:15 AM Rating: 5


  1. Nice post. You are right we usually ask how are you? and their eyes are telling us that they are not fine but from the tongue they say I am fine common try to read the eyes!

  2. @ Ash and Asma: thx for agreeing: )

    @ Talha: thx for your kind words: )

    @ Nuru: u are right that eyes often portray the inner feelings



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