Why Not Me?

At first, I asked, Why me? Then I thought, Why not me?

You know sometimes I question...


But then again...


You can't say any fairer than that. Can You?

Why Not Me? Why Not Me? Reviewed by Kiran Ashraf on 7:19 AM Rating: 5


  1. For most of us, who don't really think that the human soul are going through many lives (born, die, born, die, ...), it is really hard to fully accept our destiny.
    In our daily lives we all know: what we cook - it's what we eat.
    We cook bad - we hate our food.
    Anything we are doing, comes back to us, this way or another.

    But, for some of us, who wonder, secretly, if the human soul are actually going through many lives, it is more easy to understand: basically, who you are now - is a direct choice of who you were before. for good, or for bad. in many cases - for bad.

    I want to say that it's not true that our destiny is bad; it is much more true that we actually choose our destiny.
    Many of us are suffering (really bad) because we are living all of our lives in ignorance. and we cannot admit it to ourselves.

    It is possible to pray to God, and ask God to forgive us. And it is possible for us to forgive, love, others - without hypocrisy. But the daily lives makes most people extremely selfish and arrogant - therefore they born again in deep and painful loneliness.

    I talk to much so forgive me...

  2. That's a deep thought.

    I am just stopping by your blog to thank you. Thank you for being a regular reader and posting comments on my blog. It means a lot to me. :)
    I know I am quite irregular and I'm not good with catching up with blog reading like all of you, but just know that you're amazing.

    Happy blogging :D



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