Stronger then Killing

Is it killing me or making me stronger?

Your hand cannot touch my heart
It cannot feel the pain
It cannot ease the pain
The pang of hurt torments me
It pierces my heart and tears it apart
But no one can mend it
Nor morsel to silence my hunger
Nothing to quench my thirst
No clothing to clothe my naked body
No sandals for my blistered feet
Where shall I take repose? 

Where to take refuge
Where can I find love?
No one to look up to
The call of my heart is unheard

The lock stays unbroken
No hand to touch it
No one to care
For your hand cannot
Touch my heart

Stronger then Killing Stronger then Killing Reviewed by Kiran Ashraf on 8:56 PM Rating: 5


  1. lovely! *impressed* by your thinking and way of writing.

    follow me also at:

  2. There is immense sadness in your words that touches the very soul.

    Nicely written.

  3. Kiran,

    Love can be found in one place. in your heart.
    And this is the strongest love.

    To follow God: is to follow your true heart. your loving heart.

    That place, your heart - knowledge cannot reach.

    Don't blame yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself.


  4. Sometimes, things are in front of us and we don't realize them. Sometimes, they are not yet we feel them. Very well written felt every word of it :)



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